- Services
- Bit Bucket
- SSL Tester
- gitlab
- GoogleCal Sync
- Hosting
- Digital Ocean
- Digital Ocean Status
- Namecheap
- AWS Console
- AWS EC2 Pricing
- ZoneEdit
- Google Apps Status Dashboard
- References
- Explain Shell
- Git Book
- GoF Design patterns in Ruby
- rubocop docs
- minitest cheatsheet
- minitest (mattsears)
- API CheatSheets
- http status codes
- rails status symbols
- npm version tester
- Front-End
- flexbox cheatsheet
- grid guide
- html entities
- entity conversion calc
- CSS Protips
- handlebar helpers
- emmet cheatsheet
- Google Fonts Search
- fontplop
- fontastic
- grid bugs
- Awesome Lists
- macOS
- arduino
- ruby
- ruby libs
- ruby security
- fed
- vim
- shell
- webpack
- self hosted
- public apis
- static site services
- css-frameworks
- Handy and Graphical
- SVG Backgrounds
- subtle patterns
- CollectUI
- Utils
- urlencoder
- web.dev/measure
- Varvy SEO tool
- site speed testing
- Ruby Regex
- more regex building
- Expresso Writing Assistant
- SCSS-lint Regex
- JSON Generator
- for a good strftime
- API Directory
- Looking for something to do?
- up for grabs
- code.gov
- C.H.I.P. Projects
- top mentioned dev books
- Zebras Unite!